Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poker Face...

So, I'm listening to Lady Ga Ga as I write this. Poker/Zipper Face. It's pretty rockin.

Anyway, as Burke previously posted, Cinequest was awesome. They have some of the best festival staff of any festival we've been to. Mike Rabehl is an amazing guy. If you're a filmmaker you MUST submit to Cinequest. They treat you right, know how to have fun, and they really want to see your film succeed in this crazy industry.

We hauled the couch from the film out there and gave people rides before and after our screenings. It was pretty fun. We actually staged it so when the huge crowds came out of "All About Dad" (a great film from Mark Tran) we would basically push the couch right in-between groups of people. Annoying? Probably. Effective? You bet your booty.

We also met some amazing filmmakers. One of our main goals for film festivals was meeting as many people as we could. Fans and Filmmakers alike. Actually, we made good friends with some of the people who hated our movie, like Cynthia. We read her scathing review the day after one of our screenings, and told her to come find us, which she did. So, we snapped a picture of her and have become good friends. She still doesn't care for Billy or his escapades, but she'll come around. Some of the great filmmakers we met were Rob Margolies (Lifelines), John Michael Thomas (Corpse Run), Alejandro Adams (Canary), Chris Cannuciari (New Brooklyn), Don Hardy (Witch Hunt), Mark Tran (All About Dad). I'm sure I'm leaving someone out...I'll update it when I remember. So go check out their films. Please.